Wednesday 29 April 2015

LO2 Media pitch feedback questionnaire

We where asked to create a survey/ questionnaire on our pitch for creative and constructive feedback to improve out pitch and idea

here are the results of my questionnaire

LO2 Media Pitch

What we had to do -


we have had to create a powerpoint explaining our idea for your five photograph and the message representations that i want to create. and have this backed up with mood boards and an example of what you want to make. also who the target audience is and why, which locations and models i will use, and what legal and ethical considerations there will be.

Friday 10 April 2015

LO2 - treatment


The idea for my final piece is to photograph dogs obscure portraits, for each photograph I will use a range of techniques for example, shallow depth of field, high key/ low key lighting, motion blur and a fast shutter speed.  I will use these range of techniques to create interesting shots for my final pieces

The age for my target audience is large, from 3-70, this is because it is a very amusing subject that can entertain a large audience. It would be for male and female, all ethnicities, ABC1C2DE; this is because of the comic and ‘cute’ side of these photos.

1. Planning - Friday 17th April

2. Taking photographs - Friday 8th May

3. Editing photographs - Friday 22nd May

4. Draft launch date - Friday 5th June

5. Launch date - Friday 12th June

Camera, range of lenses, wide and telephoto, and a tripod

My models will be three different dogs of the same breed
I will need the permissions of the dog’s owners to photograph them  
I will be using public places to take these photos


The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material. Protecting your intellectual property. Gaining permission for content which is not yours

Release and consent form

The person, model or owner giving you consent to release and use their products or own image to the public and for their own use. Also has within the form a description of the photographs uses. Also has the person the sign, print name and date the form. Also the photographer’s name.
Also permission is needed for photographing private property.
Religious aspects of life, or children. 
Uses of telephoto lens in public is frowned upon in public
Public spaces, brands or business.

Legal and ethical

Not represents, religions, companies, business, abilities, ethnicity in the wrong light, defamorty. 
when photographing in public spaces we have to be careful of what is in the background.
 this is meaning that we don’t want to represent the breed of dog in a negative way