Friday 27 March 2015

LO2 - Mood Board of Inspiration


LO2 - Copyright


the exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material. protecting your intellectual property. gaining permission for content which is not yours

release and consent form

the person, model or owner giving you consent to release and use their products or own image to the public and for their own use. also has within the form a description of the photographs uses. also has the person the sign, print name and date the form. also the photographers name.
also permission is needed for photographing private property.
religious aspects of life, or children. 
uses of telephoto lens in public is frowned upon in public
public spaces, brands or bussiness.

legal and ethical

not represents, religions, companies, business, abilities, ethnicity in the wrong light, defamorty. 

Wednesday 11 March 2015

LO1 - David Chang

1. Chang started his own business Erhu Dave Studio
2. He did the photography for Sheffield After Dark
3. Shutter speed and aperture are the two most important things
4. Think about the theme of the photograph
5. There is always something to focus around you
6. Might need to leave some space around the photo- editors may want to crop/add text
7. When it comes to firework photography you need to know the best location to stand
8. Photography is taking photos of human life.
9. He has his own band- Johnny Prison and the Didn't Help Boys
10. Dave enjoys street photography the most​

Wednesday 4 March 2015

LO1 - Professional Photographers Analysis

Bob Martin

 Bob Martin is a multi-award winning sports photographer specialising in shooting action, graphic and editorial pictures for advertising, corporate and editorial clients.During a career spanning the last thirty years, Bob has photographed every major sporting event; from the last thirteen Summer and Winter Olympics, to Elephant Polo and Horse Racing on Ice. 
Bob Martin ( [04/03/2015]

a) photographic category

the photograph is in the category of action sport, this is one of the categories that Bob Martin specialise in and what he is famous for.

b) purpose

the purpose of this photograph is to document the skill and precession used in the sport of diving which is a very complicated and complex sport as it combines the skill of other sports into one, this sport features in many organisations such as the Paralympics and Olympics. Also this photo could be used in magazine articles and be shown on websites and other types of media displaying either the photographers skill or the venue in question. furthermore this photograph exhibits the beauty of this location which is the Olympic pool featured in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.

c) image analysis

Here in the photograph it slightly is applying to the rule of thirds as the bottom third is the buildings of Barcelona and the third above it is the clouds where as the top third is just the blue sky, also the photo is focusing on the diver and the diving board which is a shallow depth of field which also used a wide aputure. here an extremely fast of shutter speed of 1/2500th, will of been used as once again is need to freeze the image of the diver whilst diving. also natural lighting is used here. also this photograph shows the landscape of Barcelona. the ISO here would of been around 400. the orientation of this shot type is landscape and also this is a wide shot. this photograph has not used any canted angles or anything it is just horizontal.

d) meaning

here this photograph is connoting how free and 'unleashed' divers are when jumping with the effect of free falling and being above the clouds.


a) Photographic category

the category for this photograph is fashion, even though sport is a large feature in this photograph aiming at the sport of running

b) Purpose

the purpose of this photograph is to connote the artistry and skill show by the comparison of sport and fashion. this is a very unusual combination as they two genres are very differential. within the sport of running we see a large amount of precision and skill is needed to perfect the sport and this is very coincidental as the same skill and precision is needed in fashion to create the right effect on the audience. this photograph was used in a article to 'cut to the chase'

c) image analysis

this photograph has a shallow depth of field in which the model is in focus in the photograph. also this photo slightly applies to the rule of thirds as the model and the runner behind have each part of there bodies in sections. here the photographer will have used a fast shutter speed to capture the motion of the model whilst she is running copying the sprinters movements. low key and high key both have aspects in this photograph. this iso here would be around 400 as the modle is running

d) meaning
the meaning in this photograph is connoting the sexism in sport where it is a comparison of a male and female running and also it denotes the fashion aspect of this photograph

Micheal Nichols
Michael Nichols (born 1952) is an American journalist, photographer and a founder of LOOK3 Festival of the Photograph.Nichols began his photojournalism career in 1979 for Geo magazine and three years later became a member of Magnum Photos where he worked till 1995 with it founders Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Capa. Starting from 1989 he has published more than 30 articles for the National Geographic and was the same year was in collaboration with Jane Goodall to publish a book called Brutal Kinship(

a) Photographic Category

the category this photograph is in is wildlife, and this is a very wide genre as there are many types of animals that can be photographed for example, reptiles and mammals. this is the genre that Micheal Nichols specialises in.

b) Purpose

the purpose of this photograph was for a competition for the best wildlife photograph of 2014 and this was the winning photo. This photograph shows the pure beauty of the animals being captured, it captured the kind of the jungles family very well. "The chosen picture of lions in Africa is part flashback, part fantasy. Nick got to know and love the Vumbi pride. A few months later, he heard they had ventured outside the park and three females had been killed." it also shows the vast areas that these animals have to run free even though they are under threat.

c) image analysis

this photograph has a deep depth of field which also used a small aputure and that means where the whole photograph is in focus which shows there is no certain focal point in the photograph. the lines and shapes in the photograph lead your eyes to the centre of the photograph where most of the lions are and then off to the top right where there is a break in the clouds where the sun is coming through. further more this photograph is composed with half of the sky and sea in show and then half of the area where the lions are which make it equal. a resonably fast shutter speed would be used to capture the lions laying still and making sure they are not blury, also it would be used so that the sea is seen to be 'frozen' in motion. also this photograph is landscape.

d) Meaning

here this photograph is denoting the natural beauty of the wildlife away from busy cities and pollution and also it connotes the family lifestyle as the lions stay together in packs.

Audrey Kelly

a) Photography Category

this photo is in the genre of wedding and portrait photography and won the award for portrait photograph of the year in 2014 and once again this is a wide genre.

b) Purpose

the purpose of this photograph is to show the beauty of the bride on her wedding day with her groom taking the side stand. this is stereotypical of weddings as most brides take control of the planning and their day so it is perfect for them dismissing the grooms ideas. this photo could of been used in a bridal magazine or as its true purpose of it being entered in a photographic competition.

c) Image Analysis

this photograph has a deep depth of field and also a small aperture which has the bride as the stain glass window in focus as well as using low key lighting to highlight her, and then you see the groom who is out of focus and surrounds by darkness further expressing the 'uselessness' of the groom on the wedding day. Here as well we see that the stain glass window and the bride is in the centre third of the photograph where the groom is in the left third. the shutter speed used on this would be slower as more light is needed to correctly expose the photograph.

d) Meaning 

this photograph connotes religious aspects as the photograph is focussing on the stain glass window and we also know that as we see the bride is about to be getting married and committing her life to her groom and her faith.

LO1 - Duncan Philpott

  1. He doesn't use Photoshop
  2. He uses Lightroom
  3. He takes a large amount of photos them edits them down to the best ones
  4. Hes a photojournalist
  5. Does his own personal projects
  6. Social media marketing 70% of marketing
  7. He uses a star rating system 
  8. He uses a colours system to mark photos
  9. A brief can be very broad prescribed 
  10. Commercial is working a brief he has been sent

Below is a photo of Duncan Philpott who came in and gave a presentation to us.

Image result for duncan philpott

Tuesday 3 March 2015

LO1 - Brief & Photography Genres


You have been commissioned by The Workstation to create a photographic collection and promotional poster for an exhibition on the theme ‘identity’. Each collection is to contain five final pieces of original photographs. For this unit you will take ten photographs using a range of photography techniques, manipulate them to create your final five pieces based on the theme.

By completing this unit you will understand the use of professional photographs in media products. You will understand how to plan for a photographic shoot, and take and edit a range of photographs for a specific media product (promotional poster for the exhibition)